Apr 19Liked by Beth Morris

So incredibly relatable and so timely for me personally. I’ve been on leave from work for three months and have been able to do so much reading and reviewing and writing and posting. But I go back to work next week - I’ve been worrying about how to keep up. But your post reminded me - I don’t NEED to.

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I'm so glad it was a timely read for you. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a smooth return to work!

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Apr 9Liked by Beth Morris

I love this, but will absolutely accompany you to a haunted cemetery if needed. I’ve felt this way and realized being a type A human is too much work. A solid B+ is good enough!

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I've had two offers for this so far -- will add you to the list! Type A here too...I think B+ is a great goal!

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THIS! Ezzzactly. Confession? I found thriftbooks online. Yes, I do the indie book thing as much as possible but damn I only make so much $!

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THIS! Ezzzactly. Confession? I found thriftbooks online. Yes, I do the indie book thing as much as possible but damn I only make so much $!

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We can't do it all, all the time!

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Also: bakes pies to match book covers

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This is one thing I have not done. 😅

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Are you in my brain? Are you me? Am I you? I am totally over extended myself (and wallet)… I may need your help with the intervention because I just can’t stop doing All THE THINGS. (Skip BOTM, please share your ways!!!!)

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It really takes some effort to slow down and look at how we're spending our time, and how we want to be spending it, you know?I wrote this newsletter because I could feel that I was in need of a scheduling and content consumptiom detox, that alllll the things I'm involved with and trying to keep up with are making it impossible to sink deeply into my own work on any kind of a regular basis. And I miss that.

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I snorted at "My brain DRAWS THE LINE at Threads." Mine does too!

In all seriousness, learning to say no, drawing boundaries, and guarding your time for your projects (or non-literary things that fill your cup), is super important! I've found that I need to be picky about taking on critique projects when I am mid-draft and let people know when I will be able to read for them, and that I understand if it doesn't work with their time frame.

Also, if it wasn't for Netgalley ARCs and the Libby app, I'd probably go broke with how many books I read.

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I have tried with threads and I simply cannot...maybe someday! And yes, I think being selective about when you commit to bigger projects (like beta reading) is key!

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Apr 8Liked by Beth Morris

I really enjoyed this post and, like the other commenters have pointed out, really feel the message here. This, in particular, struck me and describes my current approach to being a good-enough literary citizen: “I’ll prioritize time for my own creative work instead of watching it dry up until it becomes a distant memory because of the self-imposed hamster wheel I’ve tied myself to, trying so hard to keep up with all the people, and all the things.” I recently made a Note about being overwhelmed by all the good writing on Substack and my reading schedule in general. There’s also my professional life working with writers. I need to remind myself to make time for my work—the actual writing—before it all dries up. Thanks for the great post!

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Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Jacob! Glad this resonated with you. And agree there is so much great writing on Substack!

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I love this. I don’t do nearly enough of the things you’re “supposed” to do, and always feel bad about it. Especially on social media (partly because of my own insecurities and partly because it’s a time suck). But this makes me feel a little better! And that distinction about doing things because you WANT to, independent of outside forces, is so important. I’m trying to let myself take on new things at my own (slow) pace, and checking in to make sure it’s feeding either the writing or my writing community, because those are my current priorities.

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Thanks Wendy for reading and commenting! I've so enjoyed being in our morning writing group together. To me that is an example of something I WANT to do. It energizes and refreshes me. I think simply checking in with ourselves and asking how something feels is so key.

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Apr 8Liked by Beth Morris

You know I relate to so much of this! It’s so easy to say yes to all the things when we’re genuinely excited about all the things… but then the burnout hits. 😫 Lots of great reminders here! ❤️

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It really is so easy to keep saying yes to one thing at a time and before you know it all those mini-commitments form a mountain. There's definitely power in saying no thanks or not now, and not jumping on all the bandwagons, however tempting!

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Apr 8Liked by Beth Morris

Omg. This. So much. Are you inside my head? 😂 There is always something more to read, post, participate in, learn...I sometimes have to remind myself WHY and that is because I decided to be a writer. And a writer must write. It's so easy to feel like it's never enough and changing that thinking is a mindful effort. Thank you for putting words to this feeling. I LOVE THIS POST.

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Thanks so much, Maria. Yes, it really does take mindfulness and intention to be able to say enough is enough and embrace missing out on some things. I know I am needing a reset in this area when I start prioritizing others' projects and deadlines above my own until any momentum I had going with my own writing evaporates. That is where I've been lately, and I can see I'm not the only one. 🩷

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Oh I feel this so much!! I've started to tell myself that what matters is quality, not quantity. There are so many amazing opportunities now to connect with other writers that it's hard for me to control myself and not, say, subscribe to eighteen substacks in a single day! LOL.

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I totally hear all of this! This community is so wonderful and generous, it can feel so unnatural to not connect/support/read all the things. But they really can add up to so much time! I'm glad I'm not the only one taking stock of all this stuff and how easy it is to get carried away and overcommitted, even with the best of intentions.

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