Sep 27Liked by Beth Morris

Beth, you speak to my heart.😂❤️ All of this, yes, including the fall pasta. I had jury duty this week, so I nothing was on my schedule. I never had to report, so I had wide open space to plug away on my novel and I got SO much done. It was a wakeup call to how I want my days to look (during the school year, anyway). From now on, except for occasional dr's appts, I am guarding those precious work hours and hope to finish this draft before the end of the year.

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Thank you, Maria! I am jealous of your productive week as mine went completely sideways and I got very little writing done. On the heels of this post about productivity, of course, because isn't that just life?? Hoping for many more satisfying fall days for us both!

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Yes to anti-FOMO! A boundary for me is telling my kids I need a break and removing myself from the environment that’s getting me revved up (in a bad way 🥴).

I also hope for cancelled plans and I must find that pencil!

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@kolina I am choosing you as my giveaway winner! Please dm me your address here or via Instagram?

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OH EM GEEEEE! Thank you so much! I am thrilled!!! Will message you on Insta.

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That is an excellent boundary and one I need to employ often, too! 👏

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Sep 25Liked by Beth Morris

I’m hoping to make it to Erin’s Hate Follow launch in Austin! (But also anything—even things I want to do —in the evenings is so hard to muster the energy 😩)

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Yes...going out at night is not what it used to be! And I hope you can make it to Erin's event - FUN!!

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I LOVED this post and I feel like it came at the exact right time. I'm trying to get better about blocking time for myself no plans - instead of defaulting to saying "I'm available" if an offer to do something comes up, when in reality I'm booked for a night in with myself!

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YES!! All for blocking out dates with ourselves, our work, our favorite tv show etc... Thanks for reading, Annie!

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Sep 24Liked by Beth Morris

I love this post! I know that I’m most creative in the mornings, so I try (when possible) not to schedule meetings during that time so I can get writing done.

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I am most protective over my morning hours (when my mind is freshest), too!! Highly guarded terrain!

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Sep 24Liked by Beth Morris

The opposite of FOMO is one the life’s most underrated joys. Imagine wearing hard pants and making small talk in a loud room when you could be READING AT HOME IN SWEATPANTS?!?!?! Joy of missing out, baby. But also, saying no is the hardest thing ever and I don’t do it enough.

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It really can be hard but the sweatpants reward feels so good 🥰

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Sep 24Liked by Beth Morris

Boundaries are the easiest to conjure and the toughest to commit to! For me, no phone in bed. This is a new one I started before vacation and have kept to (except when my daughter FT'd at 10 last night and I was sucked in, reminding me why i need the boundary!). I plug it in across the room and it's crazy how much more peaceful my sleep is.

I DND while writing, with the kids, my. husband, parents as the only ones who can get through. But I'm not always great about not disturbing myself with the phone. Maybe I need to do what you do, with the volume extra high for the kids, etc.

As always, an enjoyable read, Beth1

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Thanks Meredith! Yeah, I think phone boundaries are a biggie for most people...thanks for sharing what works for you!

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I might need to implement your practice of putting my phone in another room when working (I’m on it right now! When I should be editing!). This fall, I’m trying new routines, like exercising and showering before everyone else wakes up, and working on boundaries with my own expectations, if that makes sense. Reminding myself everything doesn’t have to be perfect so I can prioritize work and family time over folding laundry or the thousand things I could get sucked into around the house.

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The phone thing is tricky because we rely on it for so many things (that photo I need for this very substack! the code my bank is texting me to confirm my identity! is my ringer on in case my kids' school calls?) -- but I get SO much more done when it is far, far away from me. If you try it, let me know how it goes! And I so hear you on getting clear on our priorities and letting other things (like laundry) wait.

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I’ve been making sure to #takebackthenight — setting a boundary that my rare time for *me* is at night. So I’m taking it back! I am also going to steal your line “don’t plane around me.” So good!

Just got God of The Woods from my library—

Can’t wait to read!!

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I love that you have a tagline! May those evenings feel slow and satisfying... Enjoy GOTW!

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I’ve had God of the Woods on my wishlist.

I’m a big fan of a polite, unqualified “no.” Excuses and explanations invite bargaining.

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This is THE hardest word to utter unqualified (for me), unless I'm speaking to my children.... Good for you for keeping it simple!

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